I’ve successfully read pin code and add a smart key to a Fiat Freemont with Lonsdor K518ISE key programmer.
(Note: The model is under 90 days free trail. You need to subscribe to use after 3 month.)
Connect K518 host with vehicle via obd socket
Turn ignition to ON position
Select Immobilizer->Fiat->China->Freemont->Smart key->Read Pin Code
Turn ignition off and turn on emergency indicator
Read 4-digit pin code success.
Select Add Smart Key
Turn ignition off and turn on emergency indicator
Keep the smart key need to be registered in car, take other keys outside the car
Lonsdor K518 will auto fill in pin code read previously
Press LOCK or UNLOCK button once
Put the key on the Start button and press UNLOCK button once within 30 seconds.
Programming completed
Test the smart key.
It is working.