How to add a new new MQB keyless smart key to a VW Passat with Virtual Cockpit digital instrument cluster using Lonsdor K518ISE and VAG OBD Helper.
Need a original key and a new key
Main steps:
Step 1: Read IMMO data with VAG OBD Helper
Step 2: Program dealer key with Lonsdor k518
Step 1: Read IMMO data
(token is required)
Connect OBD helper cable with vehicle
In VAG OBD Helper software, select Read car information
Detect vehicle information, VIN, IMMO type, Key ID etc
Read MQB NEC35X immo data success and auto saved to default folder
The Immo data can be used to generate key with K518 key programmer
Copy and paste the NEC35XX immo data to K518ISE “customfile” folder
Unplug OBD helper cable and connect K518 with vehicle
Step 2: Make Dealer Key
1) Identify IMMO Type
In Lonsdor K518ISE, select Immobilizer->IMMO4->Auto identity IMMO
Identify IMMO type MQB BEC325XX/VDO IMMO4
2) Generate Dealer Key
Select Select IMMO manually->MQB- 35XX (Continental /VDO)->Immobilizer->Make Dealer Key
Select IMMO data from K518 customfile folder (read from Step 1)
Confirm IMMO, CS and PIN
Select Generate Dealer Key->VW->Add key
Please insert the original key into the k518 key slot
Detect original key
Place a new key into K518 card slot
Generate dealer key in process
Make dealer key completed.
3) Program Key via OBD
Choose Program key (OBD)
Choose IMMO data from K518 customfile again
Confirm CS and PIN
Turn the ignition on with the original car key. For the smart key, turn the ignition on and off, open and close the car door, and then click OK.
The key to add must be the dealer’s key, if not, please go to “Create a dealer key” to generate it, enter quantity and prepare all keys
Lonsdor K518 will require to enter number of keys to be programmed: 2
Select the if the key is smart key, press OK
Place the original key to near the vehicle’s induction coil and continue working after lighting the dashboard
Place key 1 near the induction coil and keep the other keys away
Programming, don’t remove the smart key
Place key 2 near the induction coil and keep the other keys away
Programming 2nd key completed
Add key finished
Test both keys and remote control